Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Another diagnosis

This past month not hip has been bothering me and I have not been able to walk and I have been aking up in pain. My pcp did some basic tests and found I have degenerative disc disease in my lumbar spine. This is scary as I have a herniated disc in my mid back and a history of spinal fluid leaks. The thought of my spine falling apart makes my stomach sink. I think something else is wrong with my hip as it effects my range of motion and I have experience with sciatic pain and this hip is just different but you know how docs dont always listen to me. I am seeing my neurologist at the end if the month who specializes in EDS a collegen disorder I have that causes my joints to dislocate. We think the spine has been there and they stumbled upon it but the hip is likely from my EDS I have likely injured it via dislocation. So frustrating to keep finding problems. My heart hurts when I think on it too much but I know God has made me this way for a reason bigger then myself. I hate being sick but I have to trust that the Lord can heal me or help me through it. I have to believe my lifeguard walks on water so I can't drown. And he does so I know even when my heart aches... I am okay.
So I will put on lippie stick and curl my hair because feeling sorry for myself will never help. Faith is bugfer then fears. One day at a time -Chelle

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