Monday, July 17, 2017

A Simple Notebook

This is a quote out of the Bible. And an answer straight to me from God when I did not know if My life would be even the slightest bit okay. But the night I read this verse during an ultimate trying time in my life. I knew... I would be okay. God himself told me so. I was in fact the tree...
Years ago I started collaborating My "Book of Faith" as I pondered the scriptures. During those times when I read the scriptures as many, I received  answers. It was as if God himself was taping sticky notes into the pages just for me to read. And He was. I got the messages I needed. And I threw them into a scrapbook form so I would not forget those hard but precious times. Today I stumbled upon the special simple book. Covered in verses of the scripture. Some scribbled down. Some nicely written with a pretty decorative twirl. It's just a bunch of paper really. But it means so much to me. My heart fills up just flipping brought it. It was answers on what to do in times of pure turmoil. When the world had nothing, I had faith. Because Heavenly Father Loves Me. Like he loves us all. I knew I was never alone & that I would never be alone in this world. I knew whatever happened. I would be brave and have hope. When hope was not be to had... Because that's what Heavenly Father was telling me to do. He told me to have hope. That's what stemmed this blog and has changed my life completely. Hope is so precious. It's a gift. We all are given hope... Because with faith comes hope. That very how instilled a fighter in me that I didn't even know was there. Due to that I have in fact overcome many obstacles. Some rather miraculous. Trials are sure to come. They will. They will come and they will break us, but if we hold onto our faith in the Lord and his promises to us we will be able to walk bravely in times of turmoil, trial, and personal struggles. We will hold our heads up high in faith that the works will not consume us. And in us will be hope. Because that's what God wants us to do. Hope. Have hope in him and his plan for us. Even when the plan is messy and stormy and we can't see an inch ahead of us. We must keep walking ahead with trust in him and hope for a magnificent future ahead. We all have one. But those trials come to teach us and test us. Without hope they come to break us. But with hope they in turn make us. They push us to become a better us then we could have ever become without them. God shows us who we can be and what we can do through trials. We will do things in life that we never dreamed of. Trials do that. But because of His plan... Hope is always there... And that's when miracles happen. Just hope in His Plan- Chelle 

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