Tuesday, April 7, 2020

week 4 Chronically ill Covid19

Another week has passed. Not much has changed for me anyways. I am stuck at home and have gone on a whole 2 car rides this month. Luckily I am used to living like this for the most part. The hard part is not being able to go to the grocery store. That is what is driving me nuts. My stomach is better and I am just taking a wait and see approach to things. I have been working on hunting down masks for husband's job in hopes he can be more protected. Proper masks matter the N95. If anyone knows of anything feel free to reach out to me. The allergies are real. Holy springtime they have hit everyone super hard this year it seems. Besides that we did picnic in our teeny tiny yard. And I enjoyed every sun shinny minute.

I got a new toaster.... (Is it super weird I am so excited over a toaster?) It matches our kitchen perfectly. My kitchen is my favorite place in my house. It is where I feel comfort of cooking homemade recipes that have been passed down. It is where I cook our nightly dinners and feel I am doing my spiritual duty as a wife. Even if some of these nights are frozen pizza from a box. It is where i start my day every morning unloading the clean dishes from the dishwasher and drinking my coffee full of protein powder. There is something about my kitchen that just makes me feel good.

General Conference was wonderful and brought much needed insight. I love General conference. Pajamas, cinnamon rolls, and a lot of Heavenly Father's spirit. It is a comfort to know these hard  times will pass. Though as you all well know i am an advocator of hard times and trials deeply enriching and bringing the biggest blessings into our own personal lives. Hard times build us stronger and allow us to learn lessons that are needed for the next life. Through trials there are always personal gains. Trials are life's biggest blessings! When we are burned down to ashes that is when we can build ourselves back up stronger then ever.

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