Friday, January 4, 2019

A Post & A Virus

I do not have any major updates. Still playing the waiting game. I am on a cancelation list to see Speciality-Neurology for my Dysautonomia. (And possible new autoimmune issue.) Theu have me in a team that works together for Dysautonmia and the GI wants me back on IVIG. I stopped it after getting meningitis. I was sick as a dog at the time and had been sick all year. It clearly was not helping me. It was hendering  my if anything. Well, three months down the road. I am sicker then last year. We have thought it was just the leak. But we have new information. I have the GAD65 antibody. I tested for this in August when I was airvaced for aystemic meningitis, CFS leak, & brain bleed. My body is attacking itself and was at that time despite taking medication to weaken my immune system and using IVIG. They think I could have been on the wrong dose of IVIG. Also they stopped it because I had a migraine side effect. We are learning now that I have  a CFS leak so of course "migraines" existed often. I started leaking one month after starting IVIG. So we have some investigating to do. I am just taking it one step at a time. I'm hopeful they can get my Dysatuonomia into remission once again. Once my neuro issues are "fixed" my GI system that is fully paralyzed (we found out not only my stomach & small intestines where effected but my large intestine as well.) So I have Neurological Gastroparesis and when my neuro issues are better obviously my GI tract follows suit and starts functioning better. I still have to go out to LA to see one of the only CFS Neurosurgeons in the country. Praying he gets my massive leak cared for & can rule out any possible issues such as CCI or Chari malformation. They upped my nerve pain medication and that has really helped my brain and spine being on fire. Which helps me take less pain meds, which makes me super happy! I feel like I am literally falling apart but I have faith in God's plan for us. Trials make us stronger and smarter. God and my Angels are comforting me it seems constantly and I keep seeing messages to my prayers through the random quotes that hit directly as answers to my prayers. When we choose to pay attention it's amazing how much we can see from Heavenly Father. 
I keep finding two flecks of glitter around my house and I know that's them letting me know they are still there. My marriage has consisted of pure chaos and the crazy that being so sick brings. But we still are happy and strong. When you find happiness and a full heart during the worst a of times, you have a winner. He can make me laugh at about anything and he is a good friend to have around to lift my spirits. It's in these moments I realize just how lucky I am. My hound dog, Wreck also. Keeps me in good company.
He lays with me on sick days and alerts Husband when he thinks I need help. We have this furry cute blanket and we all fight over who gets it (even though it's plenty big to share.) The dog seems to get it more then me or husband. Lol. I do unfortunetly have a virus of some kind. I'm locking myself in so not to spread germies to others. So we are chilling on the couch together while husband works his 8 days in a row. It's my turn to use the blanket when husband is working. Haha. (Don't mind my messy boxes. UPS brought my formula and feeding supplies. #tubielife!) I wish I had more to post but nothing new has happened this week and I'd like to keep it boring lol we need less crazy and more zen. Now I get to binge watch Gilmore Girls, my favorite! Hang tough & take care Lovies -Chelle

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