Monday, January 14, 2019

Answered Prayers

I don't have a lot to medically update. I am only getting sicker with time. I do not currently have help medically. (I am on a very long wait list and that's the best I've been offered for now.) I know my body is attacking itself. Fevers. Fevers. Fevers. It's been rough. But I had to share this. I prayed last night deeply and like I said I am sick and struggling. I prayed this morning after I woke up in sheer panic. The reality that I am not only so sickly again, but I am more seriously sick then ever before. I simply asked God if he could hear me. I asked him if he could hear me to please let me know... And as a loving Heavenly Father does, he answered me. 
He hears me. My Facebook memories popped up as I flop around in bed trying to make a feeble attempt to sleep. It's late in the morning but I am really suffering from insomnia. As I flop around a measly few minutes after asking God if he could hear me. He let me know I am never alone. This exact song is also from my first true testimony that God was real. Many years ago I laid on the floor of my bedroom with a laptop playing YouTube while doing my homework. During this also rough and sick night, I was feeling alone. So I then asked God if he knew me and my struggles. And this very song "Never alone" started playing on my laptop for no reason outside of God definetly heard me. It was also the first time that I got to experience that Heaven was also here on earth, and angels do in fact round about us to bear us up.  He knows our  afflictions. That's the take home message storms will come, hearts will be afflicted, but our Heavenly Father has endless love for us. He will give us peace and perseverance, all we need to do is knock. He will never leave us alone -Chelle l

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