Thursday, July 11, 2019

It's 3:37am

It's 3:37am. And I am pretty positive I am flaring with my autoimmune encephalitis. Which is extremely scary. I trust in Heavenly Father's plan for me, and I know I am doing the best I can with the circumstances at hand. But I really don't want to go back on really tough treatments. I'm still not over the last round. And I am sitting here with insomnia, worrying myself sick. And then God talks and I start thinking about Emma Smith & all the trials she faced in faith. And that made me think that my mindset must be off somehow. I needed to do some digging. So I started searching for Emma Smith history because that's what popped into my head. And somehow I found this podcast. Which is not Emma's Smith history at all but that's what led me to this... .
(I am now a subscriber. She seems pretty amazing!) 
I think it's exactly what I needed to hear. Ugh this circumstance stinks but is it worth it? Yes, I would say Living is worth it. Hills and valleys. She brought up everything I already knew... That worrying isn't going to change my having autoimmune Encephalitiis among ten other chronic illnesses. I want to be well but I simply can't wish myself well. I definetly can't worry myself well. God has plans. God talks. God directs. If we listen to the still smal voice. I prayed last night to be guided in faith by that still small voice and that I'd follow if he would give me comfort and peace. He comes through when we need it most and we are Indefinetly never alone. Pray he is there. Speak he is listening. You are his child. His faith now surrounds you. -Chelle

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