Friday, July 5, 2019


The 4th was fun! We made more memories.
 Love Birds... Is it even the Fourth of July if you don't eat a hotdog?!
As life goes on this blogging thing keeps getting harder. I don't know, maybe that's the way it's supposed to be. It's funny how time passes by so quickly when you're  doing better and so slowly when you're healing. Looking out the window watching life pass you by, wondering if you have much time left on this very earth yourself. Then you heal and blessedly overcome it and hit the "weird-patch" of recovery. Where  you're not quite normal, you're starting to realize how sick you just where, & the fear of going backwards in any direction is paralyzing in itself. You want normalcy back in life but you're simply not the same person as before. And that's okay. Being sick is okay. Being imperfect is perfect. Life happens to everyone and if they say it doesn't they are probably 100% lying. I've been through things that blow my own mind but they make me better. They teach me a lifetimes worth of lessons. Gods timing and faith in that. I am not a patient person. Maybe that's why my patience is always being tested. Just rest in him and bring yourself home. Worrying will only drive yourself crazy. Be you. Be silly. Be happy. Be sad. BUT then be glad it happened at all.-Chelle

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