Thursday, June 13, 2019

Super busy🙌

It's officially 6 in the morning and I've been up since five so what better then to watch the beautiful Arizona sunrise and write a blog post 
The last week we have bee super busy! We put our tiny yard in and it officially feels like summer! 
We also added plants so it looks better already! 
Nothing says Sumer like beautiful bright flowers! 
It's the little things in life people! I have been able to get out a bit more and I am excercising more all the time a.k.a my at home "Physical Therapy". My neuro isn't ready to put me in rehab because my brain is still healing so it could be wasteful at this very time. So my sweet husband and I decided we would work on things together. I had lost my ability to move let alone dance.
So, it's fitbits & Nikes! We went with "Just Dance" on our Nintnedo switch. And I tell you that boy loves this game more then me! This week I have gained new movement control and a little more range of motion. I'm not getting stuck on the floor as much when I would sit on the floor or anything like that if literally not be able to get back up again. It makes my heart happy to see minor but major improvements. I also adult color, write my letters, & read to help my brain reheal.
I figure it's not going to hurt anything to try.
My speech was being a rock star but a few days ago I  started slurring and stuttering again. GRR!  Drives me cocoa bananas when this happens! There are a lot of emotions that come and go from
anger, anxiety, to happiness... And that's life. We were sent here to learn and grow. God is going to give us trials and there's nothing we did wrong. He is simply letting us grow, no matter how unfair or heart wretching the situation may be... Take heart, for those who have walked before us have been trialed. If you read the scriptures they teach us of trials and tribulations. God is our parent and some times he must let the storms pass on their own for our own good. 
This has been a long recovery and much has been left to pass. But I've learned a bit and there has  been good of it. I know Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us so very much! My Grandma Pearl used to tell me this and she held a strong testimony of doing the best you can and the lord will help with the rest. I've been thinking of her a lot lately as it is about been a year since she passed. A year ago I was healthier in Utah, saying my goodbyes to my sincerely sweethearted souled grandmother. I miss her dearly but her strong faith reminds me consistently what love, faith, and family is all about. And I try to live by her examples. I may miss her but I know she has been with me in scary times. Plus we know of the plan of salvation and that she is returned home again with loved ones who have passed before her. What a blessing and reunion that must be! Since she passed I just incvision  her cutting a rug with grandad when I think of her up in heaven. So I hope that's the case. I think it's time for a protien drink. Good morning! 
Remember who you are, and do the best with what you can and leave the rest to the savior! With love -Chelle
We decided to bring Grandma some
Pink roses later this morning. I felt I needed to go visit her. I walked into the store and my eyes immediately locked into these pink flowers. They looked like her.
And I pointed and said, "those are the ones." My phone somehow unhooked from the car's Bluetooth while I took these pictures and the song, River God by, Mindy Gledhill was playing. I hope you enjoy your roses Grandma! I miss you oh so much & "love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck."

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