Thursday, June 27, 2019

God talks.

Some times God just has a way of letting you know everything is going to work out.
Even when you're flying by the seat of your pants and jump into starting a new business. Being Chronically ill is oh so challenging in all ways! Even financially it's hard to work and sometimes impossible. Yet you have to still pay yo bills. But I have a huge faith in Heavenly Fathers plan for me and all I need is love & my family. Don't ever take your health or family for granted its all this life is really about here. Things are just things. Families are forever. Love -Chelle 

These past few weeks I've gotten extra husband time and it has been the best! I am healthier so we can do a smudge more and it's nice to feel nice and have fun! 
The other night we went to dinner and a movie for the first time since married. We saw Toystory 4 and I LOVED Toystory growing up. My uncle got it for us for Christmas one year and we used to watch it on repeat. Back in the day on VHS and you had to rewind the tape. Silly how times have changed. But the ending sincerely disapponted me. But that's just my opinion and that's all I'm going to say. Nonetheless we had fun and that's what it's all about! 
He is my "favorite Deputy" "you got a friend in me" -Chelle 

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