Wednesday, June 5, 2019


June is here. That means wedding season is upon us. Last weekend
A sweet dear cousin was married.
So of course we had some wedding reception fun with family. Family is to be cherished and I love every second I get to spend with mine!
My sweet husband is new to the family and I have too many cousins to count so he keeps asking when the next wedding is! Oh boy! There isn't currently a next. But we are practicing our just dance games for the next one. (Best push coal therapy I've ever had!) I've lost a lot of abilities this year and dancing is one or really movement in general. But I don't give up that easily.
I wouldn't take pictures before, but I will now. So what I gained steroid weight and I got moon face, steroid rashes, and no immune system, oh and the constant hair loss. 
But I'm still me.
Stephanie Neilson taught me many years ago that it's not about your scars, it's all about your heart. That message stood with me strongly for years of tubes being shoved in and out of me. But the steroids felt like I went to sleep (memory loss) and woke up an entirely different person. I now knew what Stephanie more was referring to. So I'm trying to keep that small strong message in my head &  will focus on living. Though, that was not always the case I locked myself away from the world for several months amd cried every time I saw my reflection in those very avoided mirrors. As time
Passed with a little pushing from family, I finally was willing to leave the house again.

I mean after all I did just slip by deaths door once again. If that's not a sign to enjoy our time here on earth I don't know what is. Grab your loved ones and hold them close because time is truly precious.
Time is a gift Gods gives every soul here on this earth. No matter how short we came and we succeeded in getting a body to return home. We don't know when those times will be cut short. So go, live, & most importantly love. Oh and don't forget to laugh along the way! -Chelle 

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