Saturday, December 14, 2019

Christmas nostalgia.

This week has been a different week. I've been sickly a bit more but still okay. I've been busier as I started my new job yesterday. Nothing major Just answering phones at home. Something I've been praying doe and searching for for years. A form of work, from home. God listens to our prayers and provides for us in times of need.

It has been a week of majorly pushing myself out of my comfort zone and trying to enjoy Every bit of the  Christmas season.


 We went and put small lighted Christmas trees on Grandad & Grandma's graveside. I found a pearl christmas tree ornament and of course she needed it right!?

I enjoy decorating their spot. Some may find it weird but I like feeling like their gravesite is taken care of. They are not there but it's for them. Other family decorates as well on the regular but I try to make it a priority to do something every season. It started with Grandad and now it's for the two of them. Grandad was my angel for years and comforted me through some dark times and grandma has been with me this year a few times. The veil to heaven is thin and we can feel our loved ones when needed. They visit us if we pay close attention. It has been such an anchor and a blessing in my life. Families are forever.

And of course it wouldn't be Christmas without making my granny Hatch's famous Caramels. They are the best and hold nostalgia in my heart of her Christmas parties growing up. When I think of Chritsmas I think of excitingly going to my grandma Sherron's house on christmas eve. She spoiled us so rotten it was just as exciting as Chrristmas morning. And for many years granny Hatch would join us for the excitement. Then we would take her home and keep an eye out for Santa and look at Christmas lights.  Then the next evening we would go to the Hatch family party and watch the adults fight over these very caramels. In this family these are not just candy they are so much more.  It was great fun.

As I reflect on Christmas granny Hatch and Grandma Sherron play nightly big roles. I don't think I have memories where granny isn't cooking or baking something. For a time i would go with grandma Sherron (granny Hatch's daughter) to Granny's house and she would make break and cinnamon rolls for the whole family and the whole town. Every single week. (If I recall right). I would sit on the counter and eat candy while they baked and baked and baked. I'll never forget the smell of her house those days. You dont smell bread like that anymore. No one can make as good of bread as my great granny Hatch. When we got bored enough with that we would go play on a metal train she had out in her front yard. Such simple fun that I will remeber for a lifetime. 

Life has been good to us and even with trials Christmas is an easy time to reflect on these precious memories that make up our lives. In times of hardships these memories may bring sadness of what was but the key overcome the sadness is to remeber what good times we were given. What tender mercies have been brought into our lives and what is to come will be good within our lives. No more holiday perfection just enjoyment. That's how memories are made. By the simple laughter, love, and joy upon one another. Simple Christ like love. Jesus Christ the savior is the season. -Chelle 

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