Sunday, March 15, 2020

Coronavirus Rural Arizona

With the recent pandemic if the Coronavirus people have been curious as to how I am doing and generally afraid for me. I am of today fine. It has not hit our county yet. So I am far more concerned over a common cold or flu. I am not panicking. I am living life as normal because this is my everyday life. I don't go out to large crowds ever. I stay home much of the time. I work from home. I wash my hands like crazy and I take the best care of myself I know how. So as far as changes go it is just staying in a bit extra but literally my life is the same. I did brave the stores yesterday as we hadn't gone grocery shopping in 3 weeks. I have been down because my iud expelled. If it's going to happen to someone we know it's going to be me. So I was pretty bad off due to this because I went two weeks assuming it was my endometriosis/adenomyosis acting up. I have severe adenomyosis. So when you're chronically ill sometimes it takes longer to realize there is a problem. So due to this we had bare cupboards. My husband would have willingly and happily gone grocery shopping alone but I am feltnlikenthisnwas something that I needed to do myself... and I was physically up to it after some extra meds, some liquid nutrion, and several salon paas pain patches. I went in with faith that I though should be extra cautious, the lord can take care of me. I prayed to be able to find the proper groceries and medications that I require and that my family and I both would not  fall ill and I left it with my faith that the lord. He would allow me to provide for my family. My role in life. I had a partner which helped cut down on time. I did a grocery order so I didn't have to physically go in the store as long. But we needed more and they didn't have a large portion of my order. I was successful with my patience at getting what I needed. I even got one of the last toilet papers from a worker unboxing about an hour after giving up hope. I was out of TP... not hoarding. I do not believe others should be hoarding it is not helping one another.  Itnisnhurtinf one another and I am an advid seeker of being prepared but that doesn't mean harming others. We are to help our neighbors in time of need. Though at the stores tensions were high I reminded myself christ like love. And you know what happened despite ALL those people in the store that were grumpy and on edge. I smiled, said excuse me, and most responded well to this. Simple christ like love. My family and I kept eyes out for each other and bought goods we needed for each other that we were out of so we had a whole team shopping for our family and that also helped us all get what we needed* suffienctly. It was weird to see bare shelves  but I do a 75% all liquid diet so I was super worried that I wouldn't be able to find my proper diet. But no one touched the nutrtion drinks and protein powders. Me and my husband have discussed we will be making  our year supply in the form of meal replacement powdered drinks that we both like... so not to waste but it hydrates you and you get a rounded diet. It also has a long shelf life. And if my gastroparesis is bad I can run it through my feeding tube and actually absorb it. My panic came from my gastroparesis and absorbing and my special diet. But like I said no one touched that nutrtion enriched dry storage. (But I hear adults are buying baby formula without babies. They are buying it for themselves and there is not enough nutrition in this you guys. Save it for the babes they can't eat  other things. Buy ensure or other meal replacement drinks!) Just an idea for others. Luckily we had a good supply of bottled water prior to this. And are able to share it with family. I feel my prayers are heard and answered. Me and Husband have been extra blessed recently and we feel so grateful in our hearts and look forward to our future for the first time in a while. Being so sick was a crazy way to start a marriage and hopefully now we get to enjoy and live our life a little bit more. Hopefully reach some goals. Families are what is important now and this past month almost all of my family members have had close calls with fragile life. But the lord protected them fully. Jusy like I pray ever single day for him to. And it has been a  Great reminder of what is truly important. Remeber not to panic and have faith over fears. Follow your promptings and the church's guidance. Stay well. Think of other's well being besides your own because it matters too. I promise I am trying to stay well.  -lots of love, chelle

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