Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Post Covid Update

I hope every one have a blessed and fun fourth of July!!

 We just hung out at home with quarantines and lack of events around town. It was a simple day filled with grilling and chilling. 

I have been off quarantine for almost a week. I have gotten better. The Covid is gone and my POTS is still bothering me but not it seems to be coming along. I also would say my tummy (gastroparesis) is coming along as well. Definetly getting stronger. The heat is also playing into my worsening POTS symptoms as heat will ramp POTS symptoms. I do my best to stay indoors in the summer, unfortunately. We made another trip to the doctors yesterday in Phoenix. I survived, it was hot. I do not like covid protocols. I do not like them at all. Anywhere I do think some precautions are necessary but having covid myself people are taking it way to far in my personal opinion. I have not been out in months and it is a completely different world out there. A sad world of fear. What happened to faith over fear? I pray for God in our lives. I pray to see his hand in mine and others to see his hand in theirs and to stop and recognize him. Our life guard walks on water we have no need to be SO fearful. Smart is fine. Some precautions are fine. But fear is not fine. I will continue to walk in faith knowing that my redeemer lives. Fear is a choice. He is there we will have a plan Devine and lessons on earth to learn. We can not run from those lessons because no matter how hard we try they will come anyways if meant to be. It's not a  punishment it is just part of our earthly journey here on earth. I got sick for a reason (chronically) there is a plan in it and no matter how hard I try I could never run away or stop it. So now I choose to have faith in God's plan. Have faith in the way he made me. To have faith to not be healed and to realize this is no punishment it is a blessing. The way things were meant to be. I will always fight and try to heal don't get me wrong this is not a post promoting sickness or to not try to prevent sickness. We all have free agency. But a post of faith versus much fear I see in the world. I feel we are crumbling in fear and crippling ourselves when I look around. We are stronger then our fear with God I can attest my biggest fears have been my biggest blessings in disguise. A thought from -Chelle

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