Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Tonight I found myself in a horrible POTS flare. Complete with; severe migraine, nausea, chills, maxofacial pain, chest pain, heart palpitations, tremors, and honestly probably 900 other things. My body literally was stuck in fight or flight mode for hours. That's due to ANS dysfunction. (It's SO much fun when your body panics like you're in danger, for hours, when nothing is wrong.) In these cases I use my treatments, and I use my distraction tools. At the end of the day if I can't fix it, it's best for me, to try not to think about it constantly. Which is one of the best things I have found helps me through flares. But when my distraction techniques are not one ounce effective, that's when I know I am in trouble. So after so long I said another prayer.  Ironically I immediately panicked over the severe migraine. The nausea so severe, I had already stopped all tube feedings. I was at my absolute worst on the sick scale. But literally the second I started to cry in panick, the sign on my wall jumped out to me. It says, "What if I fall? Oh but darling, what if you fly?" I see this on my wall so often, I never read it anymore. But for whatever reason tonight I did. In that moment it calmed me. I knew it was Heavenly Father telling me, "it's okay. I don't have to always go to my worst points of Heath. I was physically at my worst in the moment, but the fear was if it didn't improve. I started panicking of hospital stays and well no relief. That has been the pattern lately, but that did not have to be the case for now." And I knew in an instant I was going to be okay. Then the symptoms that where spiraling out of control by the second, became more controlled. Now I am just slightly miserable which is a drastic improvement. I am a blessed person. Prayer works but we have to have faith. But we also have to listen or in this case read the signs. He is always there -Chelle 

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