Saturday, April 29, 2017

One Year & A Day! (Final tube decision)

A memory crept up on my timeline today...
What a difference one year can make! I was so sick and I never found help. I also never found answers. Now we think it is POTS that causes these fevers. As I still get them sometimes. That was a month long fever that wouldn't break. I also was on immuno suppressants so that meant thought the fever wasn't appearing super high in my case it was super high. I had my port all the time for IV fluids and j feeds... I had lichen planus all over my face. My immune a system was attacking me for sure. And was still just so sickly! I had been in over 4 hospitals and hospitalized. No answers.
No help. A lot of judgement because though I was clearly sick and I had a fever as well, that would not break... But all the tests were fine. I was sick and I was afraid. The healthcare system definelty failed me Multiple times at this point! This picture I hate looking at because I remember it! And I just don't look well... one Year Later...YESTERDAY my GI was on cloud 9 and He is very amazed with my improvements over the past 6 months. It's truly miraculous and I do look so much better! The whole office buzzed lol (I've never been seen with makeup nor hair there. Just emergencies/hospitalizations and surgeries) I am keeping the CURRENT tube I have in. (GJ) due to wisdom teeth issues. Oh yes they have attacked me and I'm getting them out ASAP but of course I have to do it in hospital and it's complicated to get set up! And my Endometrosis needs more weeks to attempt to improve with treatments. Surgery can't fix it all anymore it's now complex & I get to fight it again with treatments. So in the event that the current tube comes out because it's way past its life expectancy and can fall apart (like last year remember that?) in that case he has given me 2 Mic Key Gastric tubes that I will replace at home on my own and I will go to a G tube. Then we will see what time brings and he thinks I will be tubeless in time but also thinks we don't want ANY set backs like moving too fast and agreed as much as he said he wanted to just yank the current tube, I (pit of excitement) I did need a tube to bumper my nutrition still. So to sum this up I will be going to A straight Gastric tube AKA stomach tube. So we are loosing the small intestine tube that bypassed the stomach completely. Truly major blessing here. I am SO grateful and blessed! IT ALSO MEANS NO MORE RISKY SURGERY FOR ME every few months 😊 (J tubes have to be done under surgery because they have to be guided into the small intestine.) so no tube surgery, which will only allow my body to become stronger and it will be less risks for my Dysautonomia to flare severely. (Andy type of surgery, sickness, pain will cause a flare that could be permanent and put me back in bed daily like I have been for the past years. But I have a strong faith though I won't be cured, I will be so much better and functional. That's what God told me that's what I will remember. I know that doesn't mean I will be perfectly fine. I just had a little flare up last night but I'm feeling better today. I also know better and my specialist how my body works in my case and how to help it win. Faith not Fears)
moving forward!! trials to triumphs. Love love You all! -Chelle 

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