Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Pictures That Talk

Tonight at church during game night that I am not too talented at 😉 anyone who knows me.... will know, I danced but don't expect me to do other sports for I lack the skill set needed. Between that and my health I chose to sit it out. Meanwhile someone needed instructions to the restroom. I told them "I will show you." So we go and I showed them. (I wasn't going to be a bathroom stalker. So of  course, I waited down the hallway.) Meanwhile I found myself in the exact spot standing in front of a beautiful  picture of Christ. It was the picture of Christ Healing the Woman that touched him. Who had been sick for 12 years. She was a younge adult female. Like me. I teared up a bit knowing that My Heavenly Father was indeed speaking to me. It was no coincidence. I do have faith and I know I can't be healed all at once. He has told me that's not part of my plan. It will take time and effort. It's bound to be a bit bumpy. But I know that message so clearly. And I know God is healing me from the inside out. I know Jesus Christ is My Savior and Redmeemer. I know He hears me. He always answers in those still, yet subtle ways. He knows my heart. He knows my pains and sorrows. He knows my losses. He knows my gains. He knows me better then me! He is showing me that I am waking down My right path. Looking at that picture I felt me walking down a trail alone. Then him walking up to me and grabbing me around the shoulders. Then leading me side by side we both will walk together down the path. And We are. He is My Savior and I love him -Chelle

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