Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thursday Surgery, last one?

Wisdom teeth surgery went well. I was very impressed with my Surgeon & anesthiaologist. Both were kind and thorough. They took my conditions seriously and into play without freaking out over it. Very blessed. Heavenly Father watched out for me today and gave me many angels here on earth. Also very very clean facility! Never have been to such a clean hospy! Not once have I had to ask for my port to be swabbed or anything. (Wow!) Post surgery was fun for a few minutes (I guess I sang Miranda Lambert songs. Oh boy! But I truly am happy I woke up happy... Those poor surgical nurses's ears! Bless their hearts.) Too soon though the numbness wore off and ran my good fun! I can not have Epinephrine due to my POTS.... my pain was out of control for the rest of the day from that point on. I was so blessed with the best nurse ever! She was so kind and helped to do everything She possibly could to make me feel better. Overall good things happened today but the pain was not such a fun thing to have out of control. Bless the lady in the bed next to me in recovery we were on the same path... We hurt at the same times and our levels followed each other even when they managed to get it better for Minute or so here and there before we knew it, we both were hurting all over again. (Kinda silly, our poor sweet busy nurse though! My heart went out to her...So thankful for that sweet nurse. Kindness and doing your job correctly goes so far. So grateful for the real nurses out there!!)  This Evening has been much better. I got to my room and changed  back into my Wonder Woman T-shirt. (Maybe those super powers wore off on Me?) This day has been spend with lots and lots of ice on my chipmunk cheekies. 
They were concerned about the nerves on the lower side of my mouth being damaged but I have been hurting in those spots all day with no numbness. Which is a blessing because those nerves can have permanent damage... Blessings! This surgery to get My Wisdom Teeth out was not an elective surgery. They were impacted and had to be removed ASAP. It was a legit problem. There were no other options or choices. I should not need feeding tube surgery leaving me hopefully sugery free for a long long while!! That would highly decrease surgery for me. Mom was by my side as always! I sure am lucky to have such a supportive Mother in My life! She doesn't even know how special and amazing she truly is! Love you Mom!! Through all the Ups and Downs! Oh and Deers!
My cheeks though are hilarious! Currently up waiting on regular night time medications... The hospitalitst does not want to give me my regular potassium. (That I take every single day for a year now... prescription via my nephrologist? Otherwise it tanks and I truly don't know why He thinks I am dangerously making my Potassium high in his head. It's not high we monitor it always. It goes Low. Wish me luck here we don't want critical levels of low potassium to get our daily doses. Always a fight over stupid things no matter where I am. Just do what works for me... My doctors that know my case clearly  know what they are doing!) I am always explaining myself and it is tiring. There are More POTS patients then M.S. And just as many as Parkinson's... It's not a rare disease. It's rarely known of... Which makes the little things for me hard and sometimes dangerous. (Just a little Dysatuonomia awareness folks). I am so blessed today thanks for all the prayers! I am thankful! When I was walking my laps around the hall, My heart was so fully of gratitude not even a year ago I couldn't have done that especially post surgery. I have gained so much. I am improved. Not cured but improved. It's these little moments that tap on my heart strings and bring me joy in life. May everyone have Wonder Woman Stamina this weekend feeling as healthy as possible. Hope hearts are full of joy and peace! Xo- The Chipmunk Chelle (laugh always, even when you can't smile because you had oral surgery lol)

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