Tuesday, September 26, 2017

HANGRY (Gastroparesis many meanings)

Most Gatsroparesis sufferers don't go through all these phases/spectrums I have. (Like tube fed, back to eating by mouth, ect.) I've been all over the map. That being said. Tonight I am HANGRY. I am so tired of feeling hungry all of the time! My food is being held hostage by my stomach and there is nothing I can do about it. Now that my stomach is holding food hostage, it's not being absorbed, and my brain is telling me "eat". #starvingforacure takes so many meanings with this disease. I almost starved to death by the day. I've been skin and bones. Back to healthy BMI. And I have periods of time where two bites is just too much to eat. Then I have periods of time like lately where all I want to do is eat. And I eat fairly well considering my condition. But that's the kicker when I sit down and eat a meal, I don't leave the table feeling any different then when I sat down. (Minus the added belly ache). It's a can't win situation. All I can do is roll with the punches. Idk why I am writing this I guess I just think starving is rediculous and that's what people like me with Gastroparesis do one way or another, we starve... This isn't a complaint rant post. This is an awareness post. Because if the 4% of Gastroparesis patients never talk about these things... No one would ever know.                         On an unrelated note. I know all these new treatments I have just started will be hard for a time. Heavenly Father has reinterated that to me a lot lately. But I really think after the next few months or so things will be better again. I know I will be okay in a while. Hopefully even better!  For now I just focus on doing what I can to become stronger. And It will be hard for a time but I know with the Savior by my side as always. I have faith I will get through, and I'll be better for it. It's the fighter in me, I can't help it. I know in my soul that God has a plan and that plan keeps going as Heavenly Father has promised me with time passing. Keep hoping, keep pushing, hold your head up strong, when you get knocked down... "Brush yourself off and get back up again" (that's what my Mom always told us growing up.) Keep His promises in your heart. -Chelle 

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