Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Well I survived another down and back trip to the pheonix and back, all in a day's work. I am so fully fatigued. Today was a long day of pain and travels. My doctor prescribed some pain meds for my pelvis and we will continue to wait on physical therapy. (Will start in November) Then we can start working on recovery. Until then it's keeping my pain at bay while my pain is out of control... There is not time frame for how long this. Journey will take its literally one day at a time. Now if I could just find a pharmacy who has my meds in liquid form. Being a Tubie is thoroughly complicated! Next month we will be replacing my GJ (feeding) Tubie to a button. Yay! I have some nice granulation (scar) tissue from my terrible tube I have in me now... The bumper is horrid and is not staying in place. But my buttons do not even need a bumper. I am really excited to get my button back! I am so tired but thought I'd give an update. We are simply practicing our patience and praying for the best healing-Chelle 

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