Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sleeping Scriptures

I did snap a picture so I could blog :)
Nights can be rough while enduring POTS Dysautonomia....
last night I was feeling spiritually moved and I didn't throw up so I was super excited.... I did have dry heaves for an hour! I am enduring my symptoms. My body is its own worse enemy. Now my stomach is not working properly, it hasn't for years...particularly the past year has been the worst. I have seen Gastroenterologists who simply did not know and one other well...she felt I was anorexic, seeking attention, wasting my parents good money on doctors and tests, and then abused (correction NONE OF THOSE ARE EVEN THE SLIGHTES BIT OF TRUTH!) She was not very kind... I have been waiting patiently to get into the Motility Clinic at Mayo since May... and the past few weeks I have been impatiently waiting. Throwing up is my new informal talent. I would like to return it... I am loosing weight and feeling weaker and weaker. I have started drinking Pedialyte sidekicks and they do help (when I don't hurl them up). last night and the past week I have felt the spirit so close to my heart and I have a drive that I know is only through my Heavenly Father. He is giving me the strength I pray for. He is literally carrying me and I know it! I read scriptures last night and wrote more in my book of faith. Then I was too tired to do anymore work and I just felt comforted by my scriptures. I did not want to put them away. It was a shield of any bad thing... I felt that... so I just held it close and when I woke up this morning ouch! it wasn't a very soft pillow haha I guess I fell asleep with it in my arms. I know my life has importance. I know I have work to do here. I just don't know what that is I doing it yet?? When will I know?? I don't have the answers to that part but I can wait. I will follow any plan God has for me <3
my permanent carried throw up bowl...because you never know... yuck.

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