Saturday, March 19, 2016

Endometriosis awareness month and why it is not annoying

March is Endometriosis Month. And GUESS WHAT?! I have Endometriosis. It's stupid and dumb and frusterates me a lot. I have had two surgeries to remove it and am going to be having another one in the nearer but further future. I see Dr. Anita Desai. (Whom I adore) Dr. Michael Hibner is the other doc there at St. Joseph's pelvic pain center (in pheonix Arizona) they are a specialist of a specialist so they REALLY know their stuff! Like really!! I couldn't even see straight my pain was so bad and one not so fun surgery and three years of physical therapy I have my bad days now not 24-6 of pain and gynos scratching their heads in mass confusion. Oh and birth control pills help yes. But they are NOT a cure by any means. And I am so lucky after years and I mean years of taking them I can't take them my body has a cow always have they don't help me I get estrogen depleted which turned into a night mare. enough about me though. Here is why endometriosis awareness is not annoying or awkward. It is a real disease people. According to 176 million women have endometriosis which is 1 in 10 females.  And we get it during our reproductive years 12- 60 years!!! This is why it IS so important to teach younge women that endometriosis exists and it's symptoms: pelvic pain, bad cramping during menstration, heavy bleeding, long painful periods, diarrea, urinary issues, and So much more. Thank goodness my mother fought for me that I was not a dramatic teen girl because I in fact had endometriosis living in me. And that was a long bumpy road I'm not even going to go down today. How to diagnose? There is only one way to diagnose endometriosis ONE and that is by laparoscopic surgery. It's not a big surgery typically just a few teeny tiny  incisions to place all the tools and your good they excise or lazer off the lesions and patch you up til next time unless your case is extreme then your in for a bigger surgery but we won't hope for that! Another reason knowledge is good because it grows endometriosis those lesions just grow and grow so leaving them makes endometriosis worse with time. It's also one of the leading causes of infertility in women (unfair) so now you see how this disease is real, and needs anore research and help so visit my friends at the endometriosis foundation of America to learn more or how you can help.

Endometriosis Foundation of America                           *Stay endostrong ladies that fight this battle you are so strong keep fighting you got this much! yellow love-Chelle

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