Thursday, February 13, 2014

I can not sleep at night!

I can not sleep at night anymore! I have layed in bed for hours now tossing, & turning. I think I have had so many bad nights that my brain is trained to be awake! Wishing this would get better...I hate sleeping until noon because I can't sleep when I should be asleep! Frustrations setting in...Reality of being chronically ill.

9:30 p.m. Medication induced
stomach ache/headache

10:30 p.m. Went to bed lights/
computers out. toss & turn

It is now1:15 a.m.
1:25 a.m.                                                               Mr. Sand Man I need you!!
hands have stiffened up making it
hard to type. They are swollen and red
Joints and bones hurt to move. Now my
feet are swollen and red too. painful.

                                While I typed this... this quote came up on my facebook... just the reminder I needed. A coincidence? I think not. My heavenly father always sends me signs on nights like tonight that things will be okay and trials are to improve us. He is with me always<3