Monday, May 12, 2014

Inspiring Woman

I so needed to watch this video after my long painful night last night. So painful I couldn't sleep and the pain is still here and I know will be here for at least a few days... This pain is due to my Endometriosis, sometimes the pain can be unbearable but I know it is not permanent! I can keep on going because the sun will shine again. I feel so blessed, I know these hardships are building me into a better me :) last night I was upset and the song Beautiful Heartbreak by Hilary Weeks popped into my head and my misery turned into gratefulness. The lyrics go "I had it all mapped out in front of me knew just where I wanted to go. But life decided to change my plans and I found a mountain in the middle of my road. I knew there was no way to move it so I searched for a way around, broken hearted I started climbing and at the top I found, every fear every doubt all the pain I went through was the price that I paid to see this few and now that I'm here I would never trade the peace that I feel and the faith that I find through the bittersweet tears and the sleepless nights. I used to pray he'd take it all away but until it became a beautiful heartbreak."
below is a link to an amazing, inspiring woman with an powerful story! She is a wonderful reminder of what positivity can do, as well as choosing to be happy... I myself believe you can choose to be happy in times of darkness or struggle, those happy times are there!

you can find her at:  I know I will be following her!

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