Monday, March 10, 2014

Endometriosis Awarness Week 2

 Get the ENDOMETRIOSIS FACTS...Watch this it is my very favorite explanation of Endometriosis... Have shown to many confused family members... Endometriosis is very confusing to grasp for some... like the fact that if surgery doesn't cure it? Why have the surgery? and how does endo. grow? What is that long word I can't pronounce? lol the list goes on and on ... if you have endometriosis you know what I am talking about and if you don't know what Endometriosis is GET INFROMED...THIS IS VERY IMPOPTANT KNOWLEDGE FOR EVERYONE...
Here's links to pelvic pain specialists...They are located in Pheonix, AZ. I see Dr Desai and I know Dr. Hibner is awesome too! I have truly been all over seeing different gynecologists...This team knows much more about the pelvis and pelvic pain and I will never let another doctor/surgeon touch me for my Endometriosis and pelvic pain ever again! These are my people they have helped me so much! Check them out!! I wish every woman with Pelvic Pain could see them! That's how amazing they truly are!