Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Life Jacket & Looking Forward to Summer Fun

Last summer I did something HUGE for me...I went to the lake with my family...This was something I was not able to do for years and I went the very end of the season of 2013. Now this year I am already ready to go to the lake!! (my big sister and brother in law have a very nice boat) I recently got my life jacket that is a youth haha tiny me and my children's clothing... oh by the way a lot of people ask or tell me it is so much cheaper to buy children's clothing...let me correct that is not true... it's not a dime cheaper... Now when I go to the lake I don't water ski or any of that. I am content to sit in the shade and occasionally get in the water. I have an injured pelvis due to years of stress and pain to is healing however very slow... I will have been in rehab/physical therapy for 2 yrs. June 18th... I have another year at least to go & I have to travel 3 hours to get to physical therapy because it's such a specialty... and so I have to be careful. also with my health problems I get rashes in the sunshine so I have to be super extra cautious and use a ton of sun screen and shade myself. So 2014 lake trips get ready for me because I'm coming to relax!!

This is me first getting in the water...I had to hold onto her for support. but shortly after turned into a small fish. (basically we just float around with our life jackets)
 This is me and my sister Chelsey, I love her..she is one of my bests and with an almost 5 year difference and being total opposites on practically everything we still can fight a lot but when we do get along watch out we are silly and laugh until we cry like the picture above...silly