Thursday, April 17, 2014

What I am Doing Today/ Medi Update

Good Morning! Today will be filled with preparing to see my rheumatologist .... Getting records gathered... packing... taking care of Mr. Wrecker... and a lot of list making and thinking on my part my little memory defeats me sometimes so I have resorted to list making and then my new normal routine of salt and water and small exercise. As I write this I know I should go put my compressions back on grr I hate them! But I did not wear them yesterday and paid dearly for it last night...lesson learned! I hope you have a great day! Lots of Love-Chelle

Medi Update: seem to be doing better salt is helping, fluids are helping, exercise I am sure is helping (just complicated because of my trauma pelvis), compressions are very much helping even as ugly as they are. Haven't gotten to raise my bed just yet but soon will. Has a spell of it last night and a lot of salt and compressions took care of it. A learning process for sure. I tell y mom to not worry if something happens just shove a bunch of salt down me ha ha I can tell she is worried, I don't blame her one bit I'd be too!

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