Friday, April 11, 2014

I kinda disapeared... to the hospital...

My Neurologist sent me to the E.R. in my home town (which I do not like) but he wanted to make sure I was safe and stable..... I nearly passed out a ton of times, I collapsed a few times, I tremmored for hours, when I didn't tremor I shaked, I sweated hot and froze cold over and over (No Temperature), I was woozy/dizzy, my heart rate jumped hi every time I sat up, I was weak, my eyes dilated, my blood pulled, I was very nauseas, and they found nothing besides a very hi heart rate.... however the doctor who I really dislike put 2 huge bags of IV fluids in maximum of an hours time!!! into me which made me worse and caused my kidneys to hurt so bad! I ended up being admitted after no improvement but throughout the night got better and better all the water made me pee like a crazy and that was no fun.... I now am being treated for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome...  its where your autonomic nervous system does not work properly (everything your body does automatically like when you eat something you don't have to tell your tummy ok just does it) if causes high heart rate and low blood pressure and worsens when you stand to where you nearly pass out or do pass out...however am not "officially diagnosed" I have to elevate my bed, drink 85 fl ounces of water a day, get my broken body to get exercise, and consume 10,000 mg of sodium (salt) a Day!!! nope that was not a typo 10,000mg of SALT!!! I get to wear pretty compression garments and that is just to keep me out of a hospital... there will be more to come when we know more.... I am overwhelmed and scared but I have faith in my savior I know he can help me and guide me and be by my side I am never alone miracles will happen! I am home now and happy to be here!! I just put a little over a thousand mg of salt in a cup and through some pickle juice in it and drank it and I have consumed much fluids today and I have less urinary frequency... people we may be on to  something...salt...

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